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Attendance Reminder

I would like to thank all our parents and carers for your invaluable contribution to our school attendance.


I am pleased to share that our overall attendance is commendable, and this achievement is a testament to the strong partnership we have built together.


Your dedication and understanding of the importance of good attendance have made a significant difference in the outcomes for our children. By ensuring that our students are present and engaged, we are collectively fostering an environment where they can thrive academically and personally.


Thank you once again for your continued support and cooperation. Together, we are making a positive impact on our children’s education and future.   


As parents and carers, you are legally responsible for making sure your child gets a suitable fulltime education.  For most parents, this will mean making sure your child is in school every day except when they are too ill to come to school.


In August this year the Department for Education updated their rules on term time absence including when to issue fines for non-attendance. These changes are designed to ensure that every child has the best possible chance to succeed and thrive in their educational journey. 


Why Attendance Matters

Regular school attendance is crucial for your child’s academic success and overall well-being. Being in school every day helps children build strong foundations in their learning, develop social skills, and form lasting friendships.



  1. Strong Partnerships with Families: We are committed to working closely with you to understand and address any barriers to your child’s attendance. By building strong relationships and open communication, we can support your child’s needs effectively.

  2. Policies: These include guidelines on reporting absences by telephoning the school office, pressing option 1 and leaving a voicemail message. Completing the leaves of absence request and knowing the importance of punctuality.
  3. Support for All Pupils: We recognise that some children may face challenges that make regular attendance difficult. Whether due to physical or mental health issues, special educational needs, or other factors, we are here to provide the necessary support to help every child attend school regularly
  4. Data-Driven Approach: We will be regularly looking at attendance data to identify any patterns or issues. This helps us to provide targeted support where it’s needed most, ensuring no child is left behind
  5. Legal Interventions: Our primary goal is to support and encourage attendance and work in partnership with our families. There are legal measures in place for persistent absences. These include attendance contracts and, if necessary, penalty notices.


How You Can Help

  • Stay Informed: Keep up to date with our school’s attendance policies and the DfE guidance.
  • Communicate: Let us know if your child is facing any difficulties that might affect their attendance. We are here to help!
  • Encourage: Foster a positive attitude towards school and learning at home. Your enthusiasm can make a big difference in your child’s outlook.


Contact Details and Useful Links
