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April 2024 Round Ups

Latest News

29th April 2024


Attendance and Punctuality

We often communicate the critical importance of regular attendance and punctuality at our school, and today, I must address this issue once more.


Our current attendance rate for pupils of statutory school age stands at 94.4%. While this is a testament to the commitment of the vast majority of our families, it unfortunately falls short of both the government’s and Northumberland Council’s targets.


We fully appreciate that everyone can be poorly from time to time and take this into account when we analyse the data. But we still need to be mindful of the fact that regular attendance is not only a legal requirement but also a foundational element for academic success and overall well-being. It is concerning to note a specific issue with a number of pupils arriving late, which results in them missing the attendance mark for that session. This not only disrupts their learning process but also affects their ability to integrate smoothly into the day’s activities. It can also be distracting for the other pupils in the classroom.


Arriving late means a child may miss crucial teaching moments, leaving them uncertain about the tasks at hand and unable to fully participate in the lesson. This is particularly detrimental as Literacy or Mathematics are often scheduled as the first lesson of the day. Hence the children miss the same subjects. Persistent lateness can lead to significant gaps in learning over time.


We urge you to ensure that your child arrives at school on time and regularly. For those whose attendance is a particular concern, please expect direct contact from our attendance officer or the Educational Welfare Officer to discuss ways we can support you and your child.


Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your continued support in fostering an environment conducive to learning and growth for all our students.


Parking Issues


Polite Reminder

We have had several complaints from staff at the 2 care homes next to Burnside, they have witnessed and have photographic evidence of parents parking inside the care homes and blocking access by parking on the double yellow lines outside. This may impact on their residents if an ambulance cannot gain access.

Please park considerately. Thank You


Reception applications and offers for September 2024

We are thrilled to announce that over 60 families have selected Burnside as their top choice for their children’s education this coming September. This is a testament to the quality and reputation of our school, and we are honored by your trust in us.


As Northumberland Council has recently completed the school place offers, it has become evident that Burnside is now an over-subscribed school for this year. The Council allocates places based on a set of criteria, which you can review on their official website.


Please be reminded that due to infant class size legislation, we maintain a strict limit of 30 pupils per class in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2. This ensures that we can provide the highest level of attention and education to each child.


We are also pleased to share that many of our Nursery children have been granted a place in our Reception class. While Nursery admissions and Reception admissions are managed separately, Burnside warmly welcomes the transition of our Nursery children into the next stage of their educational journey with us.


For those who have not received an offer for Burnside, we understand the disappointment this may cause. We encourage you to explore the options provided by the Council and assure you that all children will find a place where they can thrive and grow.


Thank you for considering Burnside for your child’s education. We look forward to nurturing and inspiring the young minds of our community.



Keeping your children happy and safe

At Burnside, the safety and well-being of our children are the cornerstones of our ethos. It is with great pleasure that I share with you the positive feedback we have received from the children. When asked, they unanimously express feeling safe within our school environment.


We continuously strive to empower our children with the understanding that their happiness and safety are their inherent rights. We encourage them to recognise that any concern, no matter the size, is valid and deserves to be heard by a trusted adult.


In our ongoing efforts to fortify our commitment to safeguarding and well-being, we have initiated a new practice. Today, children from Year 1 will be asked to identify two adults within the school whom they feel comfortable approaching should they need to discuss any concerns. They will make a bookmark which will provide a constant reminder they have someone to talk to.


This exercise is crucial in ensuring that every child knows they have a support system within our school community.


Should any child find difficulty in selecting two adults, please rest assured that we will provide them with the necessary support to make these important choices.


Your continuous support and involvement are invaluable to us, and together, we can maintain a secure and nurturing environment for our children to thrive.


Thank you for your unwavering trust and cooperation.



Heartfelt gratitude

I am writing to extend our heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming response we received following last week’s request for donations.


Your generosity truly knows no bounds, and it is with immense appreciation that we inform you that the microwave, pram, and bicycle have been very gratefully received by the family in need.


These items will undoubtedly make a significant difference in their daily lives, and it is all thanks to your willingness to help and support members of our community. Your kindness serves as a reminder of the incredible community spirit that we are so fortunate to have.


Once again, thank you for your generous contributions and for coming together to support a family during their time of need. It is actions like yours that build the strong, caring community we are all proud to be a part of.


19th April 2024

Latest News


Safeguarding Measures

I would like to address a matter of safety concerning our some of our children's school bags.


It has come to our attention that some children have their full names displayed on their Burnside School bags. While we understand that labeling belongings is important, we must also consider the safety and privacy of our students


In school, we take precautions to ensure that all displays, name tags, and shared work around school only feature the child’s first name and the initial of their surname, or just initials. This is a safeguarding measure to prevent visitors in school from easily accessing personal information about our students.


We urge you to consider the implications of having your child’s full name visible on their school bag, especially when it also identifies the school they attend. To address this concern, we recommend using iron-on stickers to cover their name on the outside of the bag. Additionally, you can mark their full name on the inside of their school bag where it is not publicly visible.


We believe these steps will help protect our students’ privacy while still ensuring their belongings are properly identified.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. 



Free Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshop From Public Health and Community Services

Free Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshop

From Public Health and Community Services


Dear Parents and Carers,


We are pleased to extend an invitation to you for a free Mental Health and Wellbeing workshop. This event is designed to support your own mental health and provide you with the tools to engage in meaningful conversations about wellbeing with your child.


Event Details:

  • Date: Monday, 29th April
  • Time: 9:00 am - 10:00 am
  • Location: Burnside School
  • Facilitator: Miss Natnaree Kaewhin, Health Improvement Practitioner, Northumberland County Council


During the workshop, Miss Kaewhin will share valuable resources available to parents, carers, and children. The session will also explore practical strategies for nurturing your wellbeing.


The workshop will include a 60-minute presentation, followed by an opportunity for personal interaction, where you can discuss any concerns or questions with Miss Kaewhin.


RSVP: To help us prepare for the event, please indicate your interest in attending by contacting the school office by Friday, 26th April.


We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your family’s mental health and wellbeing.


Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to your participation.


Yours sincerely,

Mrs. N Akram
Mental Health Lead



Autism Family Drop In Sessions

Do you have a child aged 0-19 years? Come along
for a cuppa and chat and to meet other parents.

No diagnosis needed!

Join us on:

Wednesday 8th May 2024 1-3pm

Ashington Family Hub – Alexandra Road, Ashington, NE63 9EF

Thursday 23rd May 2024 2.30-4.30pm

The Community Hub at Cramlington – Forum Way, Manor Walks
Shopping Centre, Cramlington, NE23 6YB (Next to Concordia)

Facilitators – and





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