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“Computing is not about computers anymore. It is about living.” – Nicholas Negroponte


The use of computers and computer systems is an integral part of the National Curriculum and knowing how they work is a key life skill. In an increasingly digital world there now exists a wealth of software, tools and technologies that can be used to communicate, collaborate, express ideas and create digital content. At Burnside Primary School, we recognise that pupils are entitled to a broad and balanced computing education with a structured, progressive approach to learning how computer systems work, the use of IT and the skills necessary to become digitally literate and participate fully in the modern world.


Pupils are taught how to code, run algorithms and debug software when problems occur. It sounds complex because it is! We are ambitious in making sure that we provide pupils with the important knowledge and skills that will equip them well for secondary school and their future lives.


Pupils use computers regularly as part of the wider curriculum and in discrete computing lessons. We are lucky to have class sets of laptops and iPads that are used by pupils, as well as BeeBots, Mind Robots, Lego WeDo kits and Micro:bits. 


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