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July 2024 Round Ups

Latest News

Friday 12th July


Year 6 SATS - Well done

I am delighted to share some wonderful news regarding our Year 6 students’ performance in the National Tests (SATS). Yesterday, we received the results, and I am thrilled to report that our children scored significantly higher than the National Average in all subjects—Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling (SPAG), Reading, and Mathematics.


While these tests provide valuable insights into our students’ academic abilities, they do not fully capture the breadth of our efforts at Burnside. Beyond academic achievement, I celebrate the remarkable growth and maturity of our Year 6 children. They embody kindness, respect, and empathy. They work diligently, demonstrate resilience and express themselves thoughtfully.


As teachers, we take immense pride in their achievements. Our goal is not only exceptional academic success but also to nurture well-rounded individuals who will make meaningful contributions to society and the world. It truly takes a collective effort—a whole school/ a whole community—to achieve this. From the moment your child starts with us, our dedicated team work tirelessly to  ensure they grow and succeed.


I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you, the parents and carers, for your partnership, trust, and appreciation of our professional efforts. Without your support, none of our accomplishments would be possible. Thank you for choosing Burnside for your child’s education and well done once again Year 6.


Miss Ramsay



School Meal Pricing

As you may recall, we negotiated a price freeze with our catering company, Creative Management, until the end of August 2024. However, I regret to inform you that due to rising food costs, there will be a price adjustment starting in September.


Effective September 1, 2024:

  • The cost of a school meal will increase by 20p.
  • The new price per meal will be £2.60.


Whilst we understand the impact it may have on families, Creative Management believe that this adjustment is necessary to maintain the quality and variety of meals provided to our students.



Reminder: School Earring Policy

As we approach the end of the summer term, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of our school’s policy regarding earrings. Please note the following guidelines:


  1. No Earrings Allowed:

    • Children are not permitted to wear earrings during school hours.
    • However, they may wear plastic flexible retainers to keep the piercing open.
  2. Best Time for Piercing:

    • If you wish to allow your child to have an ear piercing, the beginning of the school holidays is ideal.
    • This timing allows sufficient healing time before removing the earring.
  3. Uniform Application:

    • The no earring rule applies to everyone


Please be aware that exceptions cannot be made, and this policy will be applied in September.


Thank you for your understanding and support. 



Toy Day - Friday 19th July

As we approach the last day of term on Friday, July 19th, we would like to remind you that children are welcome to bring a toy or game to school to enjoy with their friends. It’s a fun way to celebrate the end of the academic year!


However, please take note of the following important points:

  1. Responsibility:

    • While we encourage children to bring their favourite toys or games, we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage.
    • Please ensure that your child brings items they are comfortable sharing and that you are willing to risk.
  2. Choose Wisely:

    • We recommend selecting toys or games of little monetary or emotional value.
    • Simple, inexpensive items often work best for these occasions.


Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to a joyful end-of-term celebration!



Subject: Pride in Our School Uniform

As we approach the end of this term and look forward to a restful summer, I wanted to take a moment to clarify our school uniform guidelines. We appreciate your continued support in creating a positive and safe learning environment for our students.


  1. No Logo Requirement: There is no expectation for parents to purchase clothing with the school logo printed onto it. We understand that cost-effective options are essential, especially considering the pile of lost property we often encounter.

  2. Cost-Effective Choices: We encourage you to choose the most cost-effective items for your child. While branded uniforms are available, plain alternatives are equally acceptable. Remember to mark your child’s clothing with their name to facilitate quick returns if items are misplaced.

  3. Safety and Identification: School uniforms play a role in overall safety. They help us identify students and ensure a sense of belonging within our school community. By adhering to these guidelines, we contribute to a positive and secure environment for everyone.


Uniform Guidelines:


Standard Uniform:

  • Red sweatshirt or cardigan or jumper
  • White Polo shirt
  • Plain grey or black trousers, skirt, or pinafore
  • Black or white or red socks/tights
  • Plain black shoes 


 PE Uniform

  • Black leggings, shorts or jogging bottoms
  • Red, white or black plain t-shirt
  • Black hoodie or sweatshirt
  • Trainers or plimsolls


Optional Items:

  • Grey/black school-style shorts (year-round)

  • Red & white gingham-style summer dresses 

  • Hijab (white, grey, or red colour)
  • Water bottle


Outdoor Play Attire

To allow outdoor play during wet weather, pupils should have suitable warm and waterproof clothing:

  • Waterproof jacket, coat, or suit


Important Notes:

  • Earrings are not allowed.
  • Elaborate hairstyles should be avoided.


We appreciate your support in maintaining a high standard of dress for our students. Let’s continue to foster a sense of pride and professionalism at Burnside Primary School.



Latest News 

July 5th


Summer Reading Challenge


This year we are working alongside Northumbrian libraries to promote their 'Marvellous Makers - Northumberland Libraries Summer Reading Challenge!'


This year’s challenge aims to fire up children’s imaginations and unleash storytelling and creativity through the power of reading. The summer reading challenge launches on 6th July.

Complete the challenge over the summer and earn your certificate of achievement. Here's how it works:

Remember, you can read ANYTHING you like. It could be a book, comic or magazine, eBook or audiobook – they all count!


Go to your library this summer to sign up and get your Marvellous Makers collector’s foldout poster! Read books and collect stickers and other rewards for your reading (watch out for the smelly stickers…) Add the stickers to your poster to complete the Challenge

Alternatively, take part online via-

Rate and review your books to unlock badges.

Play games and enter competitions. Use the Book Sorter to find books recommended by other children.

Happy reading everyone!



Rescheduled Sports Day

It is with a heavy heart that I write to inform you of our decision to postpone tomorrow’s eagerly anticipated school sports day. We share your disappointment, as we were equally excited about this event.

Our dedicated staff have put in a lot of effort to prepare—the medals have been purchased, the running track expertly painted on the field, and the children have practiced hard!

Unfortunately, whilst the weather forecast predicts sunny intervals it is warning of strong winds of over 40 mph, this presents challenges which are further complicated due to the building works which are being carried out on our school roof.


As a result, we have rescheduled sports day to our reserved date, which is 11th July. We sincerely hope that the weather will be in our favour on that day.


Our priority remains the safety and well-being of the children and we appreciate your understanding during this unforeseen situation.

Thank you for your continued support, and let’s keep our fingers crossed for a sunny, dry and wind free sports day on the 11th.


Outstanding Accounts


Please can parents pay any outstanding lunch monies and childcare accounts

Thank You



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