Contact Details
Burnside Primary School and Nursery
- 01670736052
Burnside Primary School and Nursery, Northumbrian Road, Cramlington, NE23 1XZ
February Round Up News
Invacuation 'lockdown' drill, keeping children safe
This half term in addition to our usual fire evacuation drill pupils and staff will practise our invacuation drill as part of our regular safety checks. It is important that we put procedures in place and plan even for those events that are VERY unlikely to occur.
An invacuation, sometimes referred to as a lockdown procedure, is a standard safety procedure, similar to an emergency evacuation/fire drill. This procedure would be used if there is a threat to the safety of pupils, staff and others in school, and when it’s safer for everyone to remain in the school building rather than evacuate.
Situations where our invacuation procedure may be used include:
When we initiate the invacuation procedure, everyone in school will be alerted by the sounding of a specific alarm.
Staff follow procedures and ensure that, as in the case of a fire evacuation, everyone is safe.
During a drill pupils will either stay in their classroom, or if outside on the yard or field, will make there way into the nearest classroom, and wait quietly until the drill is given the 'all clear'.
Mental Health Week
From 5th to the 9th February 2024, our school will be taking part in Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week. This year the theme is ‘My Voice Matters’ and it is all about empowering our children by giving them the tools they need to express themselves.
The week has begun with all of our pupils observing a virtual assembly led by ‘52 lives, School of Kindness’. During this week, we want all of our children to be able to say and believe that ‘My Voice Matters’.
Each day, some classes will be watching a short video / assembly and there will be some discussion points linked to the focus of the day. All classes will be completing ‘Acts of Kindness’ throughout the week that have been carefully designed by our School Council members. Children will also be taking part in a range of other stimulating activities in their classrooms that will support our mental health.
Mrs Akram
Year 2 teacher
Mental Health Lead
Chinese New Year
A big thank you to the Tong family and friends for coming to school to parade their lion and dragon as part of Burnside's Chinese New Year celebrations. Some of our very creative children in Year 3 and Reception have been working very hard outside of school time to create their own wonderful dragon for the parade. Well done to all involved, it was amazing!
Mobile Phones in School
You may have read in the media that there is currently a focus on mobile phones and whether pupils should have access to these in school.
Read the full guidance here: DfE mobile phones in school.
Our procedures are unchanged, if parents provide pupils with a mobile phone, the phone should be handed in to the class teacher at the start of the school day and taken to the school office for safe keeping, it will be handed back at the end of the day. Pupils are not allowed to use or access their phones during the school day, this includes during childcare or clubs. It is important to note that the school does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to devices/
For more guidance on how to talk to your child about their mobile phone use have a look at this useful guide from the UK safer internet centre:
Survey 2024
We frequently carry out surveys to find out parents/carer views. Your views are important to us. We would like to know your thoughts on what we do well and what we could do better. We will add your views to our own evaluation enabling us to identify our strengths and areas for improvement.
The survey will open today and close on Friday 1st March. Please click the link below to take part.
Mental Health - Drop in Sessions
Mrs Akram, our Mental Health Leader will be offering drop in sessions once again this term for the children in school.
These will be in the Wellness Room on:
5,12,19 & 26 March 2024 from 12.30 until 1pm
Come along to chat with our Mental Health Lead, Mrs Akram.
She will be happy to listen and can advise on further support where required.
Burnside Primary School and Nursery
Burnside Primary School and Nursery, Northumbrian Road, Cramlington, NE23 1XZ