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Curriculum EYFS to Year 6


Our curriculum for Years 1 - 6  is organised and delivered through:

  • discrete teaching of core subjects; English, mathematics and science;
  • a focus on emotional well-being through Values, Personal Social and Health Education.
  • specialist teaching for Music.
  • the Burnside Curriculum  provides a structure through which history, geography, art, design and technology and RE are taught.  Within each curriculum area opportunities are planned for pupils to use and deepen their ‘essential knowledge’ within a year group and across a key stage;
  • enrichment opportunities through gardening, choir and residential trips.



At Burnside every child is recognised as a unique individual. The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values with a vision to prepare them for life beyond primary school. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives, where there are no limits to curiosity and there is a thirst for new experiences and knowledge.  We use our values to promote positive attitudes to learning which reflect the values and morality needed to promote responsibility for learning and future success.

British Values and equality underpin our curriculum which fosters positive learning behaviours and enables our children to be confident, lifelong learners.


We aim for our pupils to make progress by moving through a carefully sequenced body of skills and essential knowledge that build on what has been taught before.


Our curriculum is designed so that pupils develop their knowledge and skills in each of the National Curriculum subjects and is underpinned by our four core values: Be Safe, Be Smart, Be kind


Our 3 core values are weaved through the children's learning. 


As well as regular updates on each year group noticeboard about English and mathematics, you  can also find out what your child is learning in other subjects  by looking at our curriculum maps.


These have been updated for this academic year. We will continue to update and refine them as children move through the school, gaining more skills and knowledge.


Pupils' learning is centred  wherever possible through first-hand experience.

The key aims of our curriculum are for pupils to:

  • learn to read and write, as well as becoming mathematicians, preparing them for the next stage of their education and allowing them to be confident individuals;
  • learn how to understand themselves and manage their emotions, understanding others better;
  • understand and explain the world around them now and from the past;
  • be active, compete in competitions and work with others in a team, learning how to be a humble winner and resilient loser;
  • be creative, practice, rehearse and perform with others;
  • understand other cultures, beliefs and languages;
  • learn about sustainable living, understanding global environmental issues.


Pupils will have the opportunity to do this through:

  • accessing high-quality English and mathematics lessons and reading a rich selection of books;
  • science, humanities, learning and interacting with members of the community;
  • sports tournaments and other competitions across the curriculum;
  • music, art and other opportunities to perform;
  • French and RE lessons, humanities, cooking, outdoor learning, gardening and PHSE lessons.


Timetables for each age group show our usual daily timetable. For the smooth running of the school, from time to time, organisation of the day may be changed by the class teacher.

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