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October 2023 Round Ups

Latest News Round Up 27th Oct


Show Racism The Red Card


Thank you to all pupils & parents for supporting this, with donations & sale of goods we raised over £850


School Lunch

Please see our Website "School Meal Section" we have a new menu for returning to school on Monday 6th November, please discuss with your children so they are aware of choices for the first day back. Thank You


Contact Telephone for Out of School Club

Contact Telephone Number for Out of School Club, if you are using this service during Half Term. - 01670 730189


Application for High School

Year 6 pupils will be transferring from Primary to High School in September 2024. The closing date for applications is Tuesday 31st October. 


Application for Reception intake for September 2024

Online portal with Northumberland County Council will open on Wednesday 1st November for school places for Sep 2024.


Outstanding Dinner Money

Please pay your outstanding lunch money ASAP, we are now in arrears of over £500, lunch money must be paid for in advance. Thank You


Free French resources from home

Many of our little linguists have been asking how they can do more French learning from home. Fortunately, there are many free and exciting resources out there to support the language journey of our young learners. Here are a few resources your families may enjoy using:



We hope you enjoy exploring some of these together at home!


Calling All Budding Authors!

There is an exciting opportunity for all children aged 5-11 years old to enter the ‘500 Words’ Story Writing Competition organised by the BBC. This year, the two age categories are for 5-7 year olds and 8-11 year olds.


Children of all abilities are encouraged to use their creativity and imagination to write a story they would love to read without the pressure of having to worry about spelling, punctuation and grammar.


There are fabulous prizes to be won, plus the opportunity for the children to share their wonderful creativity and imaginations.


Children's entries should be written at home and submitted directly by you. Entries can be submitted any time from now until the closing date on Friday 10th November.


All details can be found at .


If your child does decide to enter, please also share a copy of their story to their class teacher. We would love to create an anthology of their stories.


Family Lives

Family Lives provide targeted early intervention and crisis support to families who are struggling. They offer advice, guidance and support when things get tough.


They also  provide a wealth of information on topics such as Early Years Development, and preparing your child for School Readiness, There are amazing ideas, games, and videos to support your child's learning and play.  


Also included on the website are free online parenting courses, information around mental health, health and wellbeing and much, much more.


Take a look and explore the website, there is so much on offer to families through Family Lives.


Latest News Round Up 6th October 2023

October Holiday Club 

Monday 30th October - Friday 3rd Nov 2023

(school and holiday club closed 27th October for staff training )


October holiday is heading our way so it’s time to make plans for the children to stay happy, energised and engaged. No plan, no problem our amazing out of school club staff are here and ready to make sure the children are all the above and so much more.


Children may spend time with friends and siblings across the year groups.  Activities have been planned as well as time given to just play and enjoy time with friends.


Holiday club opens at 7.30am and closes at 6pm. Children will be offered a snack morning and afternoon but must bring a water bottle and healthy packed lunch to keep energy levels up throughout the day.


You can book full days, half days or 2 hour sessions via the School Money APP


Harvest Festival Assembly 26th October 9.15am

Year 3 pupils (only) will be sharing a Harvest Festival Assembly on 26th October 2023. Parents, carers and families are welcome to come along and share this celebration with us and enjoy a cup of coffee. Please note it will only be year 3 pupils in the hall for this celebration.


Last year we placed supermarket trolleys  (kindly donated) outside the school gates and invited families to add items which we donated to the Hope Centre/Cramlington Food bank. The trolley will be outside on Monday 23rd October until the morning of Thursday 26th October 2023.


Cauliflower Cards

Deadline to place orders is Friday 13th October 2023


October Holiday Club

The booking system is now open for childcare for Out of School Club for the October holidays, apologies if parents have looked at messages and thought they had been charged, this was just to let parents know the booking was open.


School Disco - Monday 23rd October 2023

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils are all invited to attend our school disco on Monday 23rd October. The disco will begin immediately after school and finish at 4pm. Pupils will be dismissed from your classroom doors as they are at the end of a normal school day. Children attending the disco may bring in their "disco" clothes and they will be given the opportunity and helped to get changed. 


Year 3,4, 5 and 6 pupils are all invited to attend the disco on Monday 23rd October. The disco will begin at 4.10pm and finish at 5pm. Children will enter school via the main entrance and go straight into the disco. Children will be dismissed from their classrooms and MUST be collected by an adult as it will be getting dark at this time.


The cost of the disco is £2.50 which includes a pizza slice and drink. To book please use the school money APP.


All children who are booked into After School Club whose booking overlaps should still book onto the disco and our admin team will give a £2.50 reimbursement into their child care account. They be will taken to and from the disco by our after school club staff. 



I can't believe I am writing this to our amazing parents however,  I felt that I needed to share with you how upset my admin team have been on occasions this week after being insulted and called names by parents.


We can sometimes make mistakes but EVERYONE at Burnside is trying to do their best to help both you and most importantly your children.


Please treat ALL staff with respect and kindness. Calls will be ended should staff feel uncomfortable with how you are talking to them.


Half Term Events - Cramlington Library

I am getting in touch with you all just to let you know about some events we have going on during the October Half Term holidays at Cramlington Library.


Cramlington Library: Deep Sea Explorers with Professor Hannah

Join Kitchen Zoo to explore the deep blue sea in this interactive story session!

This is suitable for children 3-8years old


Halloween Half Term Crafts


Spaces are limited and must be booked beforehand via Eventbrite. 

If you can no longer attend, please cancel your places so another family can benefit,


MacMillan Coffee Morning

Thank you all so much for attending our Coffee Morning on Friday 29th September.

We raised just over £400 which is fabulous, thank you all so much.

Contact Details and Useful Links
