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15 Hours of Free Childcare for 2-Year-Olds

 We are delighted to share some exciting news regarding childcare support in the UK. The government has made substantial investments with the aim of enhancing childcare services and making them more accessible for families like yours.

  1. 15 Hours of Free Childcare for 2-Year-Olds: Commencing in April 2024, eligible working parents of 2-year-olds will have access to 15 hours of free childcare support. This initiative seeks to provide early learning opportunities and alleviate the financial strain on families.

  2. Extended Support for 3 and 4-Year-Olds: Currently, eligible working parents of 3 and 4-year-olds can already access 30 hours of childcare support. This provision remains unchanged and continues to be a valuable resource for families.


We are keen to gauge the level of interest among our families and the local community. If you believe that offering this extended support at Burnside would be beneficial, we kindly request you to telephone the school office to register your interest. Feel free to share this information with family members and friends, inviting them to do the same. The school office can be reached at 01670 736 052.


Thank you for your continued partnership in nurturing our young learners.

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