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23rd May Sponsored Run

I wrote to you a little while ago following the SEND parent coffee morning. I shared the fantastic suggestion of organising a fund raising event to raise funds for enhancing our school’s resources dedicated to supporting pupils with additional needs. 


We plan to hold the sponsored run on 23rd May. Here are the details:

  • Pupils: Students can either complete the run alongside their classmates.
  • Parents and carers: You are invited to join your children in this fun and meaningful event. If you are joining your child for the run please come to the school reception area 5 minutes before your child's year group time slot and we will escort you to the school field. 


Nursery Run         9.15am

Reception Run     9.45am

Year 1                  10.45am

Year 2                  11.15am

Year 3                  1.15pm

Year 4                  1.45pm

Year 5                  2.15pm

Year 6                  2.45pm


We are genuinely excited about this initiative and  appreciate your unwavering support. Sponsor form will be send out this week and we kindly request that sponsor money is sent to school no later than 7th June.


Together, we can make a positive difference for our pupils with additional needs.

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