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Attendance and Punctuality

We often communicate the critical importance of regular attendance and punctuality at our school, and today, I must address this issue once more.


Our current attendance rate for pupils of statutory school age stands at 94.4%. While this is a testament to the commitment of the vast majority of our families, it unfortunately falls short of both the government’s and Northumberland Council’s targets.


We fully appreciate that everyone can be poorly from time to time and take this into account when we analyse the data. Both we still need to be mindful of the fact that regular attendance is not only a legal requirement but also a foundational element for academic success and overall well-being. It is concerning to note a specific issue with a number of pupils arriving late, which results in them missing the attendance mark for that session. This not only disrupts their learning process but also affects their ability to integrate smoothly into the day’s activities. It can also be distracting for the other pupils in the classroom.


Arriving late means a child may miss crucial teaching moments, leaving them uncertain about the tasks at hand and unable to fully participate in the lesson. This is particularly detrimental as Literacy or Mathematics are often scheduled as the first lesson of the day. Hence the children miss the same subjects. Persistent lateness can lead to significant gaps in learning over time.


We urge you to ensure that your child arrives at school on time and regularly. For those whose attendance is a particular concern, please expect direct contact from our attendance officer or the Educational Welfare Officer to discuss ways we can support you and your child.


Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your continued support in fostering an environment conducive to learning and growth for all our students.

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