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Attendance: punctuality and unauthorised absences

Arriving on time for school is one of the best ways to help your child reach their full learning potential. Research shows that arriving just 5 minutes late each day can impact the amount of lessons they miss. 

Please support your children with this by ensuring they arrive at school on time every day and take note of our start arrangements.

  • 8:30am - Children and parents are welcome to assemble on the school yard

  • 8:45am - Classroom doors open/teachers escort children from the yard into the school

  • 8:50am - External doors close for pupils 

  • 8.50am - All children are inside the classroom and are registered. Lessons begin immediately after registration.


When children arrive late it is disruptive for the class teacher and the other children in the class. It is also unsettling for the child, because they miss the important instructions for the first lesson of the day.

Unauthorised Absences

The school day begins at 8.45am and lessons begin immediately after registration. Pupils who arrive at school after the register has been taken will receive a late mark. If your child is very late for school, this may be recorded as an unauthorised absence for the full morning.

Changes to the Government’s guidance in August 2024, states that children who have 10 or more unauthorised absences can be issued with a penalty fine. This includes arriving late.


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