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Burnside retain Gold School Games Mark

We are thrilled to announce that Burnside School has once again achieved the prestigious Gold School Games Mark. This award recognises our unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality physical education and sports programs for our students.

Our Achievements:

  • Active Minutes: We have maintained and grown our school’s engagement in the School Games, ensuring that every child receives the Chief Medical Officer’s recommended 60 active minutes (or 20 minutes for SEND young people) each day.
  • Positive Experiences: We have participated in a variety of competitions that are designed with clear intent, creating positive experiences for our students. We focus on motivation, competence, sportsmanship and confidence. 
  • Transition Points: We emphasis transition points, such as Year 6. 
  • Youth Engagement and Leadership: We actively support the personal development and have children taking on the role of sports leaders.
  • Advocacy and Stakeholder Engagement: We advocate for the value of the School Games, collaborating with key stakeholders, many of you joined us on the Burnside 1K run to raise funds to support our SEND pupils.
  • Equal Opportunities: We work diligently to ensure equal opportunities for all young people, regardless of gender.
  • Physical Literacy: Our practice incorporates the concept of physical literacy, fostering a holistic approach to well-being.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our entire school community for your continuous support. Together, we have achieved this remarkable recognition, and we look forward to further enriching the lives of our students through 

physical education and sports.


Thank you for being part of our Burnside family!

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