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Burnside School’s Commitment to Safeguarding Children.

I am writing to reaffirm Burnside School’s Commitment to Safeguarding Children. The safety and well-being of our students are paramount, and we wish to keep you informed about the proactive measures we implement to ensure their protection.


The Role of Adults in School

Our dedicated staff undergo comprehensive training to attentively listen to the children and promptly relay any concerns to our designated safeguarding leads, Mrs. Williams or myself. Rest assured, we address every concern with the utmost seriousness and, when necessary, collaborate with parents and/or external agencies to ensure the safety of our students.


Risks Online and in the Home

In today’s digital age, it is crucial to educate our children about the potential risks they face both online and in their daily lives. Our RSHE and computing curriculums are designed to empower students with knowledge about these risks. Additionally, we utilise our assemblies to discuss acceptable and unacceptable behaviours, fostering a culture of respect and safety inline with our school motto, Be Safe, Be Smart, Be Kind.


Encouraging Open Communication

We believe in the importance of open communication. Our students are encouraged to voice any worries they may have with our school staff, whether in person or through our worry box system. This approach ensures that no concern goes unheard and that our students feel supported at all times.


Risks in the Community

The safety of our children extends beyond the school premises. We actively monitor and assess ‘school safe’ alerts from local schools. Should a risk be confirmed by the police, we adhere to our internal procedures and promptly.


Our regular drills for ‘invacuation’ and evacuation are meticulously conducted to ensure that our children are well-prepared to respond in the event of an emergency.


We thank you for your continued trust in Burnside School. Together, we create a secure environment where our children can thrive.


Miss Ramsay


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