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Dear Children,


I am thrilled to announce that the Burnside’s Got Talent Show is making a grand return! After receiving numerous requests from our talented students, I have agreed to organise this exciting event once again. Here are the details:



Auditions will take place in the children’s classrooms during the week beginning in 8th July. Each year group will have the opportunity to showcase their talents and two acts from each group will proceed to the final.


Final Show:

The final show will be held in the school hall on 16th July. Our finalists will perform in front of a live audience comprising the entire school community.


  • No animals are allowed as part of the acts.
  • Performances must not exceed 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
  • The judges’ decision is final.


Costumes: You are welcome to wear costumes for your performances. Please ensure that costumes are brought into school at the beginning of the week, clearly marked with your name.


I can’t wait to witness the incredible talents! Let’s make this year’s talent show unforgettable. 🌟



Miss Ramsay

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