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Easter Holiday Club

 As the Easter holiday approaches, we’re excited as we make our plans for keeping your children happy, energized, and engaged during this break. Our dedicated staff are here to ensure that every child has a fantastic time!


Holiday Club Details:

  • Dates: From Tuesday 2nd April to Thursday 11th April 2024
  • Timings: 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM


Program Highlights: We’ve put together a full program of exciting activities right here at school. Your children can look forward to a variety of fun experiences.


  1. Breakfast for Early Arrivals:

    • Children arriving before 8:30 AM will be offered a nutritious breakfast to kick-start their day.
  2. Healthy Snacks:

    • Mid-morning and afternoon, we’ll provide healthy snacks to keep their energy levels up.
  3. Lunchtime:

    • If your child is staying over lunchtime, please pack a healthy lunch (nut-free, please) for them.
    • Don’t forget to send children with a water bottle to stay refreshed throughout the day.


Thank you for entrusting us with your children during this special time. 


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