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Eco-Schools’ Green Flag with Distinction!

Dear Burnside Community,

I am delighted to share some fantastic news with you all. At the end of last year, after a tremendous amount of hard work from our Eco Warriors, staff, parents, carers, and all the pupils at Burnside, we submitted our application for an Eco Schools Award.

I am thrilled to report that we have received this message from the assessors:

“Congratulations! Your application truly stood out, and we’re thrilled to award you an Eco-Schools’ Green Flag with Distinction!”

We have been awarded a certificate and plaque, which is now proudly displayed at the entrance to the school. This achievement is a testament to the dedication and effort of everyone involved in our Eco projects.

A huge thank you to everyone who participated and supported our initiatives. We look forward to sharing more Eco news and continuing our efforts to make Burnside a greener, more sustainable place.

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