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Enhancing the Nursery Outdoor Space - Work to start soon!

We are thrilled to announce that the long-awaited project to enhance our nursery outdoor space will commence in the week beginning 13th May 2024.


This development includes the construction of an obstacle course, akin to the one currently enjoyed by the older children on the school field.


This addition to our nursery has been a dream for many years, and we are now fortunate enough to see it come to fruition. The new obstacle course will provide a stimulating and dynamic environment for our young learners to explore and develop their physical skills.


Please be assured that while we undertake this exciting project, we will make necessary adjustments to the nursery children’s outdoor schedule to ensure their safety and continued enjoyment of outdoor activities. We anticipate no disruptions to the daily routines of the rest of the school.

We appreciate your support and understanding during this time and are confident that the new garden facilities will greatly benefit our children.

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