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Great Big School Clean

Great Big School Clean
I am pleased to announce that Burnside will be taking part in the 'Great Big School Clean' campaign run by Keep Britain Tidy following the huge success of the project last year. Over the Easter holidays we are asking children if they can do their part to reduce litter in their community. As 2024 marks the 70th anniversary of Keep Britain Tidy, they have set everyone the challenge of collecting 70 pieces of litter! 
This year we have a limited amount of litter picking equipment that we are able to loan to families to enable more people to take part. If you would like to borrow some equipment then please call into the school office to collect and sign out the equipment. We have high visibility jackets, gloves (in children’s sizes) and litter pickers. They will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. Please return these in the first week back after Easter so we are able to start our summer Eco Warrior litter project. 
If you would like to take part and do a litter pick with your child, please also take some photos and let us know how many bags or pieces of litter you manage to collect via email. We have certificates for any Litter Legends out there! 
If you would like to do some litter picking for the Great Big School Clean, we recommend that you avoid:
● Potentially hazardous objects such as unidentified cans or canisters, oil drums and chemical containers.
● Sharp objects such as broken glass and disposable BBQs – these should be
collected in separate containers not litter bags.
● Clinical waste such as needles/syringes – do not attempt to move them yourself. Make a note of their location and inform your local council.
● Hazardous areas such as deep or fast-flowing water, steep, slippery or unstable banks, sharp rocks, derelict buildings, busy roads and electric fences (which are identified by yellow warning signs).
● Working alone – all children must work alongside an adult.

To avoid illness from poor hygiene, all those taking part in the clean-up must:
● Wear heavy-duty, protective gloves at all times.
● Cover any cuts (however minor) with surgical tape or a waterproof plaster.
● Keep hands away from mouth and eyes while litter-picking.
● Wash hands and forearms before eating, drinking or going to the toilet.
Remember: No one is too small to make a big difference!
Good luck and happy litter picking!
Mrs Willis
Eco Schools Coordinator

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