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New arrangements for Nursery pick up and drop off

The first week of term has flown by, and I am delighted with how well the children have settled into their routines. It has been wonderful to see their enthusiasm and adaptability.

To better support parents who have children attending both nursery and main school, I am pleased to introduce a flexible drop-off and pick-up schedule. This new arrangement will begin on Monday, 9th September.

Morning Drop-Off:

  • The nursery gate will be open for drop-off between 8:50 and 9:00 am.


Lunchtime Pick-Up:

  • For parents whose children stay for 15 hours and are collected at 12:00 noon, you will have the opportunity to collect them between 11:50 and 12:00 noon.


Afternoon Pick-Up:

  • The gates will be open for collection between 3:00 and 3:10 pm.


We hope this new schedule will make the drop-off and pick-up process more convenient for everyone. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.


Best regards

Mrs McCaw

EYFS Leader

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