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Out of School Club Halloween Party

We are excited to inform you that this year, Halloween falls during our October half-term holiday. As you know, our out-of-school provision offers child care during the school holidays from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm.


To celebrate Halloween, our staff will be hosting two parties/discos on Thursday, 31st October:

  • Early Years and Key Stage 1: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
  • Key Stage 2: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

If your child is booked to attend the full day at holiday club on Thursday 31st October, this will include the party.


Children are welcome to come to the party in costumes if they wish. They can enjoy dancing, games, and various Halloween activities. The cost of attending is just the usual charge for 2 hours of child care, which is £7.


Please note that places are limited due to staffing, so to secure your child’s place, please book via the school money app as soon as possible.


We look forward to celebrating a fun and spooky Halloween with your children!

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