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Parent Survey Responses

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our annual survey. We are delighted that our main strengths have been positively recognised by parents/carers.


Below is a summary of the responses.


Question Yes No Other 
My child is happy at school 98% 2%  
My child feels safe at school 95% 5%  
My child is well taught 95% 5%  
The school has high expectations for my child  90% 10%  
The school encourages the children to behave well 95% 5%  
The school deals effectively with bullying    32% 7% 62%
The school supports my child’s wider personal development   90% 10%  
My child has SEND and the school gives them the support to succeed  22% 2% 76%
I am aware that what my child will be learning during the year is on the school website 73% 27%  
I engage and use the School Website and The School App to keep informed as to what is happening in school 88% 10% 2%
I find the School Money App to be an easy and convenient way to make payments to the school 83% 7% 10%
There are a good range of subjects available to my child at this school in accordance with the National Curriculum 95% 5%  
The Burnside School run breakfast and after-school provision are invaluable services that schools provide.  63%   37%
The trial that has taken place in Nursery to admit children once they have turned 3 years old has been a benefit to my family. 29% 7% 63%



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