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Parents Consultation


We are excited to share the dates for our Autumn Parent Teacher Consultations.

This year, we will continue to offer both virtual and face-to-face appointments, allowing you to choose the option that best fits your needs. To manage attendance and minimise wait times in the school hall, we have designated specific days for each year group.


Please complete the below google form to indicate your preference Parents Consultation


Please note that virtual appointments will begin at 1:00 PM, and once those are completed for each class, teachers will transition to face-to-face meetings.

Here are the consultation dates:

  • 11th November: 1:00-5:15 PM - Year 5
  • 12th November: 1:00-5:15 PM - Year 6
  • 13th November: 1:00-5:15 PM - Year 4
  • 14th November: 1:00-5:15 PM - Year 3
  • 18th November: 1:00-5:15 PM - Year 2
  • 19th November: 1:00-5:15 PM - Year 1
  • 20th November: 1:00-5:15 PM - Reception
  • 21st November: 1:00-5:15 PM - Nursery


Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you!

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