Contact Details
Burnside Primary School and Nursery
- 01670736052
Burnside Primary School and Nursery, Northumbrian Road, Cramlington, NE23 1XZ
Arriving on time for school is one of the best ways to help your child reach their full learning potential. Research shows that arriving just 5 minutes late each day can impact the amount of lessons they miss.
Arriving 5 minutes late every day, roughly adds up to over 3 days lost each year
Arriving 15 minutes late every day, roughly adds up to 2 weeks absence a year
Arriving 30 minutes late every day, roughly adds up to 19 days absence a year
Please support your children with this by ensuring they arrive at school on time every day.
Main School times
7.30am - Breakfast Club Opens
8:30am - Children permitted onto school yard
8:45am - Classroom & external doors open.
9:00am - All classes, registration. Lessons begin immediately after registration.
When children arrive late it can be disruptive for the class teacher and the other children in the class. It is also unsettling for the child, because they may miss the important instructions for the first lesson of the day.
Children who arrive at school after the doors have closed are late, they should go to the office to sign in via the main reception.
Burnside Primary School and Nursery
Burnside Primary School and Nursery, Northumbrian Road, Cramlington, NE23 1XZ