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Safeguarding Measures

I would like to address a matter of safety concerning our some of our children's school bags.


It has come to our attention that some children have their full names displayed on their Burnside School bags. While we understand that labeling belongings is important, we must also consider the safety and privacy of our students


In school, we take precautions to ensure that all displays, name tags, and shared work around school only feature the child’s first name and the initial of their surname, or just initials. This is a safeguarding measure to prevent visitors in school from easily accessing personal information about our students.


We urge you to consider the implications of having your child’s full name visible on their school bag, especially when it also identifies the school they attend. To address this concern, we recommend using iron-on stickers to cover their name on the outside of the bag. Additionally, you can mark their full name on the inside of their school bag where it is not publicly visible.


We believe these steps will help protect our students’ privacy while still ensuring their belongings are properly identified.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. 

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