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SEND Parent Resources

We would like to  introduce you to FACE: Family Advice, Communication, Education.  FACE provides practical, accessible, and affordable support to parents, helping you communicate more effectively with your children. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Online Talks: FACE offers online talks that cover a range of topics, including communication, behavior, emotions, ADHD, autism, and anger management. These talks provide up-to-date information and effective interventions.

  2. Ask Questions: During these sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and receive practical advice. Whether you’re navigating sleep issues, understanding addictive behavior, or supporting a child with ADHD, FACE has you covered.

  3. Summer Timetable: Check out our summer timetable for upcoming live sessions. From supporting healthy sleep to exploring the teenage brain, there’s something for everyone. Visit the PARENT page for the full schedule.


Empower yourself with FACE and enhance your parenting journey. Let’s build stronger connections with our children together!

Contact Details and Useful Links
