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The European Day of Languages

The European Day of Languages’ takes place on Thursday 26th September. This day provides an excellent opportunity to celebrate languages and learn about other European countries. Language learning brings lots of benefits! Even if you only know a few words of the language of the country that you visit (for example on holiday), this enables you to make new friends and contacts.


At Burnside, we have planned lots of fun activities for your child to take part in to celebrate ‘The European Day of Languages.

  • Whole School assembly
  • EYFS-taster session in Spanish
  • KS1-taster session in French
  • Lower KS2-taster session in Portuguese
  • Upper KS2-taster session in Italian
  • Interactive Quizzes
  • European food during lunchtime (see our menu)
  • Learn how to say ‘Hello’ in ten different languages


We hope that your child enjoys learning about ‘The European Day of
Languages’ and can tell you all about the languages they have learnt on this day.

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