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World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is every year on the 10th October. The theme for 2024, set by the World Foundation of Mental Health, is ‘It is time to prioritise mental health in the workplace'.


To celebrate this special day our staff and pupils carried out a number of exciting activities that helped raise awareness of mental health issues. Most pupils visited our Wellness room throughout the day.


There are lots of simple things that we do to support mental health in our school community:

  • We encourage open conversation about our mental health between staff, pupils and parents.
  • We share information and resources about mental health, such as books, websites and helplines.
  • We promote healthy coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety, such as exercise, relaxation techniques, self-care and resilience.
  • Plan opportunities to embed mental health into the curriculum through implicit and explicit teaching of wellbeing and resilience strategies.
  • Most importantly, we continue to check in with pupils, staff and parents to see how they're doing and offer support where needed.
  • We prioritise staff wellbeing as part of your whole school approach. Without good staff mental health and wellbeing, it is almost impossible to have good student wellbeing.


Mental Health Awareness Day is an important opportunity for us all to prioritise mental wellbeing for the whole school community. We hope that your child can tell you something about what they have learned about their mental health today.


Mrs N Akram

Year 2 Teacher

Mental Health Lead



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