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14-18 November Anti-Bullying week 2022

Next week (14th-18th November) marks the beginning of Anti-bullying week which is, this year, focusing on the theme, ‘Reach out.’ This theme came about following consultation with teachers and pupils by the Anti-Bullying Alliance which coordinates Anti-Bullying Week every year in England and Wales. Teachers and children wanted a theme that empowered them to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes. Anti-Bullying Week will remind everyone whether it’s in school, at home, in the community or online, to reach out and show each other the support we need.


On Monday, key stage 2 pupils will take part in a live BBC Teach Lesson which will highlight some of the issues around bullying. Teachers will also lead  assemblies and class circle times during the week with a focus on Anti-bullying. The school’s Anti-Bullying lead and Wellbeing lead, Mrs Burnip and Mrs Akram


We are very excited to announce that 10 pupils from Years  6 have been selected to be ‘Anti-bullying Ambassadors.'


The Ambassadors will work within school on the following initiatives:


  • Promote Anti-Bullying within the school  
  • Support pupils within the school 
  • Help to train other Anti-Bullying Ambassadors  



Children from Year 1 - 6 will be designing posters to enter a school competition. The winners will be awarded vouchers from Waterstones Book Store. Good Luck Everyone. 



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