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A COVID Snapshot

A COVID Snapshot Wednesday 17th 2021

As you are aware we contact parents via The School APP when we receive confirmation of a positive COVID case in your child's class. This is to allow you to be extra vigilant and monitor your child's health and that of your wider family. 


I thought it would be useful to let you know where we are currently, so the list below details where we stand today on positive COVID cases.


*Please note things change on a daily basis



Class Number of COVID cases
Nursery 1
Reception RB 0
Reception RWM 0
Year 1M 1
Year 1R 0
Year 2T 0
Year 2A 0
Year 3L 0
Year 3T 0
Year 4G 1
Year 4MW 0
Year 5S 4
Year 5D 0
Year 6C 2
Year 6BM 1


6 classes now have at least 1 positive COVID case. In classes where cases are high, we typically see cases rising quickly.

As most cases at this time appear to be in the Upper Key Stage 2 building. This building will be deep cleaned tonight and I ask for parents with children in Upper Key Stage 2 to be extra cautious and alert to changes in your child's health. It would be beneficial to ensure your child washes hands as soon as they arrive home.

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