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Anti-bullying Poster Competition

Anti-bullying Poster Competition

Burnside Primary school have children who are trained as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. They provide support for pupils who may be experiencing bullying, and run campaigns and activities in school to promote inclusion, diversity relating to Anti-Bullying.


For the summer term, the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are holding a  competition for children to design a poster relating to the school core value of be safe, be smart, be kind and any element of the nine protected characteristics :

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity


This competition is open to all year groups with some fantastic prizes.

Category 1: Nursery and Reception

Category 2: Years 1 and 2

Category 3: Years 3 and 4

Category 4: Years 5 and 6


Prizes for each category:

  • £10.00 voucher 


Submission Specifications:

  • The poster must be original and created by the pupil.
  • Deadline for entries: MONDAY  5TH  June 2023


The Anti-Bullying ambassadors will impartially judge the entries.

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