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Anti-Bullying Week

Make a Nosie About Bullying
Mon 13th Nov – Friday 17th Nov


From the 13th – 17th November, our school will be taking part in Anti-Bullying Week 2023.

This is a nationwide initiative that highlights the issue of bullying and encourages us all to take action against it. It highlights the importance of fostering a culture of respect and support, where bullying is not tolerated, and where every individual is valued.

Anti-Bullying Week is an amazing opportunity for Burnside to help prevent bullying and promote our school wide strategies for wellbeing and positive mental health for all of our children and staff.

This year’s theme is ‘Make a Noise About Bullying’ and we will be raising awareness throughout this coming week and will share a number of strategies that will help our children
understand what bullying is and how it affects us.

The week begins with a whole-school virtual assembly about ‘World Kindness Day’ led by the inspirational, Greig, director of kindness from School of Kindness at 52 Lives charity. The children will be encouraged to think about spreading kindness. They will be learning about
the impact being kind will have on their own physical and mental health.

Each day, some classes will be watching a short Anti-Bullying video and / or have a class assembly where there will be some discussion points linked to bullying. Children throughout the school will complete ‘Acts of Kindness’ during the week that have been carefully designed by our dedicated School Council members and Year 6 Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.

Anti-Bullying Week 2023 is a fantastic opportunity for us to encourage our children, our teachers and our parents, to speak up against bullying, seek help when needed and be
proactive in creating a safer environment for our Burnside community.

We’re encouraging our children to support the campaign and here’s how your child can get involved.


Poster competition
Children can enter our competition by creating a ‘Make a noise about Bullying!’ themed poster. To be in with a chance of winning a gift voucher, we’re inviting children to think about how they can raise awareness about bullying. Will they tell a friend to be kind? Or write a song / poem about bullying? We can’t wait to find out! Entries must be submitted by 4pm on 20th November and please remember to include the name and class of the child who made the poster.

If you would like more help and advice dealing with bullying, you can find information, suggestions and support by reading through the following links:

Mrs Akram
Year 2 Teacher
Mental Health Lead

Contact Details and Useful Links
