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Attendance Reports

As the end of this school year is nearing we have reviewed your child's attendance. We aim for all pupils to attend school regularly, this means attendance of 96% and above. We know that specific health needs and COVID have had  an impact on school attendance for some pupils this year. 


As part of our attendance procedures, in line with DfE guidance we:

‘regularly communicate expectations for attendance and punctuality and school performance with staff, pupils and parents’ and

‘establish robust escalation procedures which are initiated before absence becomes a problem, for example by: sending letters to parents and carers


 We will also report attendance in your child's annual report.


For us, attendance of:

  • over 97% is excellent – this is our target for your child
  • 96-97% is good attendance,
  • 90%-95% is starting to cause a concern.
  • below 90% is a concern


For pupils who's attendance at the end of the year is between 90 and 94.9% we will be monitoring their attendance in the autumn term and offering support to those families who need it.


Any absence, authorised or not is registered as non-attendance at school and count towards your child’s overall attendance. There following events are recorded as absence (even if authorised)


  • illness, including self-isolation, even if you have followed our absence procedures, or we have asked you to collect your child
  • medical appointments (including speech and occupational therapy)
  • authorised leave for exceptional circumstances
  • being late after the registers close
  • your child not wanting to come due to anxiety
  • open days at other schools
  • religious observance
  • exclusions or suspensions
  • remote or hybrid learning at home 
  • any unauthorised absence


If you have any worries or concerns about attendance at school please contact Mrs Lawson, our attendance officer or arrange to speak to your child's class teacher.

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