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Author Visit - 21st June 2023

Author Visit

Wed 21st June

As part of our wellbeing curriculum, we are very excited to have #1

Bestselling Author, Chris Duke, visiting us to talk about his book, “Lucy’s Blue Day”.

Chris wrote the book to help children understand their emotions and to encourage mental health awareness. It has received positive comments from Stephen Fry, Dr. Ranj, and Lorraine Kelly, describing the book as “charming and well needed in today’s society.”

It is accessible for all ages from pre-school through Primary and secondary.

Chris will be talking about the book and his journey and doing a book signing on the day.

Chris’s visit is free for the school however funded through book sales.

You can pre-order your copy online at and receive a 20% discount using the code BURNSIDE  - available until 21st June.

Please enter your child’s name at the checkout to ensure it gets to the right person.

Select “author visit” at the delivery option, and Chris will bring them on the day of his visit.

Please note that the discount is available only online and for Lucy’s Blue Day Book.

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