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Bookings For Child Care

As many of you already know Mrs Donaldson, one of the managers left us at Christmas. Mrs Donaldson has worked in the Education Sector for many years and has been a great asset. However, she has now chosen a different career pathway and we all wish her the best of luck.


We are currently seeking to find a suitable replacement and will share the news of this as soon as we have it. In the interim period we have 1 less staff member on our staffing rota but the existing team are kindly covering any additional shifts.


Since opening the service in 2018 the demand has grown and grown which is simply amazing.  Initially, we were able to accommodate last minute bookings but as the number of children using the service continues to increased Mrs Williams and I need to ensure we have adequate staffing in place for the number of children booked in. We do this by referring to the booking system and then updating our staff with numbers of children and shifts they will be working. 


This means that to ensure the quality of care within the provision we now can not accept children at the door or via a telephone call on the day. 


Thank you for your continued support.



Jane Ramsay



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