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Children’s Mental Health Week 2023 Monday 6th-12th February

As outlined in the School News sent out earlier this week, from the 6th to the 10th February, our school will be taking part in Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is ‘Let’s Connect’ and we will be encouraging children (and adults) to think about how we can make meaningful connections that support our mental health. As you know healthy relationships with family, friends and school staff are important for children’s wellbeing, offering a strong protective factor against poor mental health.


Each day, some classes will be watching a short video / have an assembly and there will be some discussion points linked to the focus of the day. All classes will complete ‘Acts of Kindness’ throughout the week that have been carefully designed by our Year 6 Ambassadors. Children will also be taking part in range of other interesting and stimulating activities that support our mental health.


In addition to this, on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th February our Key Stage 2 children will be taking part in an interactive session to explore the topic of loneliness and isolation, which is being led by our visiting guest, Simone Banks. Simone has worked on a number of programmes regionally and nationally which have a focus on key aspects that are important to and are impacting on young people. She has an interest in how people’s experiences can impact on a number of factors, and what can be done to challenge and make things better!


Your child will bring home ‘My Daily Mindful Moments’ calendar to help raise awareness and promote our Mental Wellbeing throughout February. We do hope that you will all make time each day this month to have a mindful moment and enjoy looking after your mental health.


Mrs Akram

Year 2 Teacher

Mental Health Lead

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