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Children's Mental Health Week Feb 6th - 12th 2023

We are delighted to say that next week children throughout the school will be taking part in a range of interesting activities that support their mental wellbeing. During the week some year groups will be using the assemblies from Place2Be to talk about mental health and raise awareness in school. It will be a fantastic opportunity for the children to talk openly about their feelings and it will be wonderful to watch our children grow in confidence and enjoy the range of activities they will be taking part in.

The theme this year is ‘Let’s Connect’. We as humans thrive in communities and this connection is vital for our wellbeing and our survival. When we have healthy connections with our family, friends and others, this can support our mental health and our sense of wellbeing. And when our social connections are not met we can sometimes feel isolated and lonely which can have a negative impact on our mental health.

At Burnside we understand how crucial supporting children’s mental wellbeing is and all our staff and children will be working hard next week to ensure that maintaining good mental health and wellbeing will always remain a priority.

Mrs Akram

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