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Class Teachers for September

Please see below for class teacher information for next academic year.

Children will meet their new class teachers during transition day which will take place on 11th, 12th and 13th July 2022. We will notify you nearer the time which member of staff within each year group will be teaching your child.



Mrs Shaw

Mrs Armstrong


Miss Barlett

Mrs McCaw/ Mrs Stewart*(* maternity leave until December) 

Year 1

Mrs Ray

Mrs McCoy 

 Year 2

Miss Turnbull

Mrs Akram

Year 3

Mrs Burnip

Mr Tincombe

Year 4

Miss Garrett

Mrs McGary / New teacher

Year 5

Miss Dodds

Mr Kindley

Year 6

Miss Croft

Mrs Burleigh / Mrs Willis


Specialist Teachers

Art   - Mrs Tweddle

Music - Mrs Walker

French - Mrs Stewart


Contact Details and Useful Links
