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Cost of Living

As I am sure you are aware price rises for many household bills are to take effect from today. New research has shown that a third of children worry about their family having enough money. Some of our children have shared their concerns about family finances with their teachers and staff have offered reassurance.


I can't ignore the challenges our families are facing right now and it is important that Burnside doesn't add to these.


Please read the following points which we feel may provide support 


  1. We would urge you to check to see if you are eligible for Free School Meals. Not only does this support with the cost of the lunch time meal but gives access to other support we can provide including holiday, before and after school care.
  2. School Uniform - uniform with the school logo is not a requirement. Red sweatshirt and cardigans purchased from high street stores / supermarkets are absolutely acceptable. Should you have any uniform items in good  condition which your child may have outgrown we are happy to accept and can re home.
  3. Expensive branded clothing and trainers will not be permitted. This is to avoid peer pressure to have the latest branded goods, which again puts pressure on families.
  4. During COVID it was not possible to take the children on educational visits. Now, although museums and other places of educational interest have re opened the costs have soared. We will only ever suggest a visit if we feel children's learning will be disadvantaged without it. If an educational visit is offered we will ask for a voluntary donation and NOT specify an amount. We appreciate parents/carers can only donate what they can afford.
  5. We will put a price freeze of the fees for childcare in our after school and holiday clubs for 12 months.

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