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Disco - Thank You

Our best disco yet!


Over 370 children attended our discos last night.  I had the pleasure of being able to watch the children at the disco and talk to children this morning and can confirm they had an AMAZING time.


I would like to thank all the children for coming along and behaving so well. I would also like to thank my superb staff for staying late to help me supervise the children. (When staff support  and give their time straight after school, it often means a very late night for them. They need to take the children's work home to mark or prepare the next days resources often late at night to be ready for lessons this morning).


Finally, I would like to thank you, our parents/carers, who carefully read and followed my messages regarding pick up and drop off locations and timings. This enabled things to run smoothly and supported us in keeping all our children safe.


I can't wait until our next disco!!!!!!!!

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