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Excellent pupils' behaviour and attitudes

Pupils' attitudes and behaviour return to excellence following a long COVID-19 lag. But, we are still keeping a close watch on things and helping pupils to get along with each other even better.


School closure during COVID-19 impacted different children in different ways. Mirroring reports from across the UK, we had to do more to help pupils get back into the routine and expectations of school. It's been a steady journey to help pupils get back to where we were before the pandemic. 


At first, teachers worked hard to raise expectations and help pupils get back to the consistent routines of being in school, like sitting properly on a chair at a desk.


Further on, some pupils needed extra help to get along well with one another. Too many pupils told us that others were being unkind - a few pupils told us that they might even be being bullied:

  • we adjusted assemblies and focused on our core values - be safe, be smart, be kind. We spent assembly time guiding  pupils about what is right and wrong to say and do;
  • 'circle times' took place more often in classes, so that teachers could listen to the worries and needs of pupils, helping pupils to understand, cope and fix worries;
  • Mrs Burnip, continues to lead a new drive on anti-bullying, including working with pupil volunteers as our 'Anti-bullying Ambassadors';
  • Mrs Akram and Mrs Burnip worked with teachers to check, resolve, and check again every individual worry told to us by pupils.


If we're missing something for your child, please tell class teachers.

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