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Half term Holiday Club 21st - 25th February 2022

The February Half-term is just three weeks away and we are looking forward to spending time with the children as we come together during the holiday, new friendships are built and old friendships reignited.


As spring is on its way we are hoping to use the outdoor spaces we have developed in school and I am currently working on an activity programme which I will be sharing very soon. 


Bookings are open on the School Money App. Please do book early to avoid disappointment. The prices for the sessions are below


2 hour drop in (Any time during opening hours )



Half day ( Any 5 hours during opening hours)



Full Day ( We open at 7.30 and close at 6pm )



Optional lunch £2.10      Optional tea £2.10


Breakfast is included if your child arrives before 9am. 

Fruit will be freely available during the day. Please remember Burnside is a 'nut free' school and you should check ingredients in snack bars, breads, snack packs etc.  

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