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Here Is What You Said

Thank you to everyone who completed the short online survey. The results are as follows

Question Yes No N/A
My child is happy at school 95.6% 4.4  
My child feels safe at school 97.8% 2.2  
My child makes good progress 100%    
I receive information from teachers about about how well my child is doing 88.9% 11.1%  
The school has high expectations for my child and wants him/her to do their best 100%    
The school encourages children to behave well 100%    
My child has NOT been bullied 91.1% 8.9%  
My child has been bullied and the school  has put measures in place to deal with it 8.9% 6.7% 84.4%
The school is well managed 97.8% 2.2%  
The school supports my child's wider personal development 91.1% 8.9%  
My child has SEND and the school gives them the support they nee 24.4% 6.7% 68.9%
My child's mental health is well supported 97.8% 2.2%  


We intended to look at areas where more than 10% of the returns felt it was an area we needed to improve. As such the area we need to work upon is ensuring that parents feel the teachers share with them information as to how well their children are doing. 


I will be discussing this with Senior Leaders and teachers this half term and consider what actions we can take to improve this.


Once again, thank you for completely this short form to share your views. Please look out for a series of short surveys we will be sending out during 2023. Your views are very important to us. 



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