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Key stage 2 attainment: National headlines/Burnside Headlines

Headline facts and figures



These statistics cover the attainment of year 6 pupils who took assessments in summer 2023. These pupils experienced disruption to their learning during the pandemic, particularly at the end of year 3 and in year 4.

Unfortunately, not all our pupils attended school on the day on the test. They therefore are recorded as not achieving the national standard and as such lower our overall score, as had they attended and taken the test we are confident they would have passed.



73% of pupils nationally met the expected standard,

77% of Burnside pupils met the expected standard



73% of pupils nationally met the expected standard,

87% of Burnside pupils met the expected standard



71% of pupils nationally met the expected standard, 

85% of Burnside pupils met the expected standard


Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

72% of pupils nationally met the expected standard

85% of Burnside pupils met the expected standard



In all of reading, writing and maths

59% of pupils nationally met the expected standard

72% of Burnside pupils met the expected standard


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