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King Charles III Coronation Colour Run Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

To celebrate King Charles III Coronation and make the event a day to remember for our children at Burnside Primary School, we are hosting a school Colour Run for all pupils from Year 1 to Year 6.


The Colour Run will take place on Friday 5th May. 

The children will complete a route around school, whilst they are running they will pass colour stations where they will run through a colour cloud of red, white and blue powder.  


It would be good if the children could wear an OLD white t-shirt and OLD leggings/ joggers/shorts and OLD shoes or trainers for the event. The powdered paint has a potential to stain clothes so please do not wear anything which is valuable or sentimental.


During the Colour Run there will be colour powder in the air, so it is important that all children MUST wear sunglasses during this event. Please can you send a pair of sunglasses into school for this event with your child. 


We want to create a memorable occasion for our children so they can recall the historic event of King Charles III Coronation. If you do not wish your child to participate please inform the school office.


Thank you in advance for your support


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