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Mental Health Awareness Week

 Mental Health Awareness Week 2023!

Monday 15th – 21st  May, 2023


From the 15th - 21st May, our school will be taking part in Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 and continue to take the opportunity to make mental health a priority in our school. This year’s theme is ‘anxiety’ and we will be raising awareness and share wellbeing strategies that will help support and reduce anxiety in children and staff.


Each day, some classes will be watching a short meditation video and / or have a class assembly where there will be some discussion points linked to the focus of the day. Children throughout the school will complete ‘Daily five-minute activities during the week that have been carefully designed by our dedicated School Council and Year 6 Ambassadors.


Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 is a fantastic opportunity for us all to ‘check in’ with ourselves and with our pupils. Anxious feelings are something that most of us experience. It is important for us to recognise anxiety and think carefully about how anxiety can be managed. We understand that there are many reasons why we get this feeling. It can be related to a new role, school, a relationship, social situations, how we feel about ourselves, or a simple change in our life. Dealing with anxiety can be hard. But there are some things we can do to manage these feelings.


Mental health remains to be a priority for our whole school community and we continue to have open discussions about mental health between our staff, children and parents every day. There are lots of things that you could do at home to support mental health. You can find information, suggestions and support by reading through the following links:


Anxiety UK

Helpline services - 03444 775 774, open from 9:30am to 17:30pm Mon to Friday, along with a text service 07537 416905 and ‘Ask Anxia’ chatbot service, available 24/7




Mrs Akram

Year 2 Teacher

Mental Health Lead

Contact Details and Useful Links
