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Mental Health Day - Author Visit

Mental Health Day- author visit
World Mental Health Day is on Tuesday 10th October. The theme for 2023, set by the World Foundation of Mental Health,

is ‘Mental health is a universal human right’. 

This year we are delighted to welcome author Alisar-Jane into school to lead an assembly on her book
'Annabelle's Rainbow'.Her book encourages children to understand their emotions and feelings through colour.
If you would like to purchase a copy of the book  please see attached details to order your copy.
Please put your child's name and 'Burnside' as the reference when making your online order.
Ordered books will be signed and given to the children on Tuesday 10th October.
Annabelle’s Rainbow Book Orders.
£6.99 plus £1 delivery = £7.99 per book.
Partnership Publishing is a division of Daisa Original Designs Limited
Account Name: Daisa Original Designs Ltd
Account Number: 01818422
Sort Code: 40-40-24
Deadline for orders is Monday 2nd October 2pm.
We look forward to welcoming Alisar-Jane to our school on Tuesday 10th October.

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