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Monthly Drop In Clinic with our SENDCO

Many of you already know our school SENDCO Mrs Burnip. In addition to her duties as SENDCO Mrs Burnip is also a full time class teacher within Year 3.

Since COVID the volume of parents wishing to speak with Mrs. Burnip has dramatically increased and parents are increasingly concerned about;

  • Mental Health
  • Resilience
  • Anxiety
  • Parenting skills
  • Behaviour at home
  • Rewards and Consequence Strategies
  • How to establish routines at home


It is now become almost impossible for Mrs Burnip to return all the calls and emails whilst she has her class to teacher. She often also finds herself offering the same advice to many individuals. 


In order to continue to ensure parents needing support with general concerns similar to those outlined above, Mrs Burnip will be holding a monthly clinic. On occasions she may also invite a guest speakers to support parents.


The first monthly clinic will be held on Friday 5th May at 9am - 10am. 


This is the ideal opportunity to come and speak with Mrs Burnip and meet other parents who may have similar worries to your own and who also may be able to share tips and advice. 


Please note that requests to speak with Mrs Burnip will be triaged by the reception team and they will make a note to inform Mrs Burnip you will be attending the clinic and what you may wish to discuss in order that she may have appropriate information available for you.


NB Urgent cases will be responded to with 5 working days






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