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Mrs Claus is Coming To Town!!!

We are delighted to announce that Mrs Claus will be visiting Burnside on the last 2 weeks of term. She will visit the Key Stage 2 children during the school day.


Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 children will need to be accompanied by their adult. Children attending the after school club will be taken by the school staff to visit if parents make it known to the school office this would be something their child would like to be a participant. 


Mrs Claus'  timetable is:

12th December





13th December Reception 3.15pm
14th December  Year 1 3.15pm
15th December  Year 2 3.15pm
19th December  Year 3 3.15pm
20th December  Year 4, 5, 6 During the school day


There is no cost for the visit and all children will be given a small gift by Mrs Claus. There will be a collection bucket for you to make a donation should you wish and all money will be donated to Daft As A Brush. 


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