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Parent Governor Vacancy

The Governing Board is seeking nominations from parents to fill two vacancies of parent governor positions:  


Governors each focus on different areas of responsibility.

An interest in, or experience of:

  • public sector, corporate decision making and strategic thinking with an interest in championing disadvantaged pupils, or
  • project management, premises or resource management with a willingness to oversee governors own training and development, are especially welcome.
  • areas of linked interest are inter-changable with professional knowledge and skills in other sectors. 


However, this should not stop any parent from applying if you have the wish and commitment to be a governor. Parent governors are appointed for a period of 4 years. 


Why become a governor?

The Governing Board provides support and challenge whilst setting the strategic direction of the school.  


How much time will I need to give?

All governors, including parent governors:

  • attend 3 full governing board meetings each year, held on Friday afternoon (1pm - 3pm)  
  • become a member of our Resources or teaching and learning committees which meet  times each year, typically held on a Wednesday morning
  • visit the school during the day, ideally once or twice a year, to gain first-hand knowledge of the school, usually for 1 hour. While visiting, governors usually work with a school leader focusing on their area of responsibility;
  • undertake training courses to improve own skills and knowledge about school governance;
  • meetings are either face-to-face or video conference call.


More information

Find out more about the role of a school governors and the skills required:

  • Governance skills
  • Arrange to talk to Miss Ramsay, Head teacher, for an informal chat.

Every governor is not required to have competence in every skill.


How to apply

Parents can nominate themselves or another parent (if they are willing to be named):

  1. check you are eligible to nominate or be nominated as a Parent Governor.
  2. Telephone the school office for a nomination form;
  3. return the completed form to the school office by hand, pupil post or Royal Mail by Friday 25th  November


If more than 2 nominations are received, then a ballot will be organised to select the new governors. The top 2 candidates by vote tally will take the vacancies with the third highest candidate taking up the vacancy in December. If there are only 2 nominations, then the December vacancy will be based on alphabetical order of the candidates' last name.


Once appointed, all governors are subject to suitability and vetting checks, including providing an enhanced DBS certificate. 

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