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Parental Survey Results - Nursery Stay and Play Day

I would like to thank all the parents who came along and spent some time in Nursery with their children. It felt great to welcome you back into school again.


After the sessions I send a short survey for parents to complete in order for us to have some feedback and consider if this event was deemed useful and should be incorporated  into our calendar of events. 


The results from the online survey 

  • 100% welcomed the opportunity to spend time in Nursery
  • 71% of you stated it was your first visit into nursery
  • 100% felt warmly welcomed into school by the staff 
  • 100% stated their children were excited to have parents visit them in school
  • 100% felt after the visit they had a greater understanding as to what your child's learning looks like
  • 67% would like this event to be held termly and 33% would like it to be held annually. 


Your feedback tells us this event was a great success and we can now look forward to planning the next "Stay and Play" event. 


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